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Engineering Lawsuits

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Elite Member
Jun 27, 2017
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
It appears based on my observations and other evidence, that there are groups that actually are engineering situations that can involve subjecting target individuals or professionals to lawsuits. These situations can be quite engineered with psychologists and optical illusions. They are invariably "staged" in one way or another, - just as a magician has tricks to make things appear very much other than what they are, these groups also have a number of tricks up their sleeves.

This is particularly true in California, a state very well known for lawsuits.

Many of the attorneys in this state are quite ruthless and cunning. Networks of specialists may be involved. People trained in the psychology of visual illusions play a central role. It is a game for them, with sometimes short-term and sometimes long-term financial rewards.

If you think you have become a target, it may be a bit difficult to detect what has happened without a good visual memory of past events. Here are some signs:

1. Do you sense that things have appeared out of nowhere? Look around you. Do you see that important objects seem to blend in to the background so well they are almost invisible - and then appear out of nowhere? If you do have a good memory, you might notice foreground objects that blend so well into background objects they are at first sight almost invisible - to the point that your mind if looking at the object for a short period of time, might simply discount its existence. An old car that has oxidized paint here, heavily corroded paint there, off-color because a door has been replaced with a somewhat off color door from another vehicle, with two similar color cars parked behind it.

2. You might wonder how such situations can be engineered, when your presence, in your opinion could not possibly be known in advance. Yet, many individuals report findng lojacks in used cars. They can be almost impossible to detect. There is also the possibility, quite widespread of someone placing less expensive trackers in or on your vehicle or person, without you knowing it. Usually, nearby retail areas are a good place to setup operations, under the assumption that at some point you will park somewhere in the vicinity. If your presense becomes know, through electronic or other means, then things can be set in motion. Often the setup is in place and the taraget is simply any passer-by that fits the desired profile. Or it can be a blacklist of individuals. Or maybe they get your ID, look you up in a database and get access to that information.

3. If you are an appraiser, you are easy pickings in terms of location. They will know when and where you will usually be - well in advance or your arrival.

4. There will be videos and recorders to record every move and utterance.

5. There will be witnesses.

--- But whatever you do, keep in the back of your mind "optical illusions" - they are the bread and butter of these groups.
Play the devils advocate. Try to imagine how you could successfully alter the impression of a home to make it look in much worse condition that it is.

1. Spread dirt and black grease around, enough to cover up nice finishes.
2. Put dirty and worn rugs all over the floors,
3. Put a lot of OLD DIRTY junk everywhere you cant.
4. Can you add some more cosmetics to look like there is dry rot and mold? Something though that is actually easy to clean off?
5. You might be surprised how bad you can make living areas look, especially with some nasty looking stuff.

The idea of course, is that you clean everything up for the second appraiser, and finagle to get one that is sympathetic to your cause.

Now what we probably observe as appraisers is in the opposite direction: Staging to make the house have better apppeal. And I know a few cases where psychologists were involved.

Other tricks involve getting the appraiser to say things that could be used as evidence that he/she is racist. That can be engineered as well.
I think you're onto something here. I've seen a number of small business owners get coerced with lawsuits by disabled people over ADA issues, and they are mostly forced to settle in order to make the complaint go away. The activists will "visit" the property and look for problems, then come back with a lawsuit. As a way of life.
Thank goodness we take photos of the subject....
Similar to police bodycams and civilian cellphone videos....
There are usually both political and financial objectives involved. There may very well be some social ethical justification to these lawsuits. But if you look at the whole picture, such as the long term impact on the economy (in particular), it is not so pretty. When government officials have the political objectives, and the plaintiff and attorney the financial objectives (with possibly some secondary political objectives), you have a dangerous brew. The defendant in many cases only has some E&O insurance, and that is controlled by the insurance company, which may rather negotiate a deal than fight the claim in court. So, the defendant loses something no matter what, depending on the mood of the State Board and any appraisal organizations he/she belongs to. The worst result is that the economic infrastructure is usually adversely impacted by these lawsuits. Also the "social infrastructure" gradually erodes over time. And given enough time, the damage accumulates so that it is nearly irreversible.

Imagine what it would cost in effort, fund and manpower the return of Oakland or San Francisco to their former selves as of 2010. In fact, it is probably not worth dealing with. If you are optimistic, the drug and homeless problems will run themselves out. After-all, the Baby Boomers who are poor and other homeless will largely die off in the next 15 years, along with drug addicts on tranc, spice, meth, heroin, fentanyl, flakka, nitrazine, .... Maybe Trump will get elected again and indeed repatriate all of the illegal immigrants, especially the dangerous ones.

The rest of us, just have to board ourselves up in our homes, keeping track of and avoiding high crime retail areas as much as possible, then cross our fingers and hope for the best. Not to forget buying at least a decent but cheap 22 rifle with a good but cheap scope and serveral thousand rounds of cheap 22 caliber ammo, in case things get too out of hand. Maybe a good pistol --- but that sounds too risky to me. I am more comfortable with my nice 22 rifle which should get the job done, if needed.
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