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eUnited Lending DBA Guaranty Mortgage Financial Services

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Jan 13, 2002
Professional Status
Retired Appraiser
eUnited Lending DBA Guaranty Mortgage Financial Services

offices in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties, Florida.


Ordered FHA appraisal, (with case # and assignment in my name) for a FSBO. It couldn't come close to making the sale price, I completed it with 6 comps, (proof of value). We are now at 90 days and the jerk manager argues with me about the fee and late charges. He's furious that I'm going to turn him in to FHA and the State Dept. Banking & Finance if he doesn't pay me my full fee and claims he's going to sue me!!! Yadda, yadda.... "worthless appraisal, didn't make value...." Of course, I told him that FHA and HUD would love to hear that!!!! I finally agreed to drop the late charges if he pays the full fee immediately. I'll let you all know when I receive the check.
Thank you, Pam, and good luck!

The check just arrived. Now... I get to deposit it and inform FHA of what this lender/broker did. Maybe.... just maybe..... if he had paid the late charges I might not be quite as inclined to inform FHA of this blatant lack of respect for FHA rules/guidelines. After the conversation I had with him on Monday, he absolutely set himself up for this and I do hope that FHA investigates him and takes him off the approved lender list. NOBODY needs a lender like this.
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