That is my mentor (on my CR). He told me recently at a USPAP class that I should get into "Evaluations" on Commercial Property. I said, "Mike, why did I go through all the classes, experience, that difficult exam etc. to earn my CG then if a licensed CG is not necessary on these multi million $ properties. He didn't have an answer for me, but I knew it already, based on who i know at that "age" in the areas covered his territory. Multiple retirement income streams, eligible for social security, etc. It is OK to "dabble" if you don't need an actual income from appraisal. Appraising for fun is different from trying to earn a living. As I learned when the CG I was supposed to replace at the firm wouldn't retire until the state took his license (happened years after I left). Nobody realized I did that guy's work for him FOR YEARS. I had much respect for him. He was a WWIi Vet and he taught me a great deal, but at a point, you are taking income from young appraisers with families to supplement your boredom. I'm not going to do that. In fact, I'm becoming rather tired of the whole business. The next post will be George saying how "Bitter" I am. Betcha.