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Fannie Desktop FAQ

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How in the world are we getting 'disinterested' information about the interior of the house?
Didn't you hear? Every home in America has been thoroughly vetted by having sold in the past 2 or 4 years and is in the MLS with full details...and if it isn't in the MLS, it must be in Zillow or Realtor dot com... And, of course, FNMA will mandate every county assessor to do an interior inspection...with pictures. After all, FNMA is part of the government isn't it? They can dictate to everyone. Play ball with FNMA or we'll cram the bat up yours...

Even with the MLS, I find in my area a lot of cross over, being stuck on a 3 county, 3 state region. So on the west side of my area are a lot of listings from the Tulsa MLS. On the South and East range, from CARMLS - Central Arkansas MLS, and North is the MLS that includes Joplin MO and their Gateway MLS with the surrounding counties (a bunch of smaller MLS's merged) and Realtors are pretty smart by pretending to be from somewhere else. One "local" in fact, is headquartered out of Little Rock and specializes in large farms and estates but you'd think he lived in Fayetteville and was a member of the local board, but no. Get postcards from him routinely. He's not the only one. Regional offices using local phone numbers.
the virtual inspection apps are capable of geolocating to an accuracy level that it can't be any property but the subject.
Considering how "off" our GIS overlays are, the question then becomes if the geolocator is accurate enough to NOT say "You're not on the "right" property"...or will it be like my GPS and assume the nearest road is where you are...fun to watch its confusion when I drive across my field. Not to mention if you use the "home" address it wants to take me ¼ mile south then 200 yard west and then turn north (across my pasture) to the house which is ¼ mile north... Go figure.
The FAQ states that the floorplan will NOT need verified if done via app, since the software the apps use are generally disinterested. So IF an app is used by anyone to floorplan, those are exempt from verification.

Its the other parts that are still up in the air, as is the notion of WHO will be getting these floorplans done.
Exactly right.
Honestly, the way I read this, the only acceptable way to do these is for the appraiser to do a live visual walkthrough of subject with someone. I don't see any appraiser wanting to do this, except for the most distant properties.
The more distant properties with cell service for the app :ROFLMAO:
When just about everyone that can provide the information on the sketch and pics is an interested party.
Yep, the agent listing the property is an "interested" party but the MLS listing itself isn't???? Who created the listing if not the listing agent? Nonsense.
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