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Fannie Mae Watch Web Site

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Wow! Great site, Pam. Thanks!
Thanks, I needed that!

Maybe we need to e-mail a few of OUR comments to the site... along with a copy of hte petition?!??!
How on earth did all of us miss this????




You didn't miss it. Most likely you just forgot about it. There were a bunch of links to the FM Watch site posted over on the old board. It was a favorite of Steve K. In fact, he has links and stories from there on his own site.

When you have time, go through a few of their GSE reports. They're chocked full of interesting items and stories. Heck, they even quote me in one or two.

Carefull, Frank (please).

"...Heck, they even quote me in one or two..."

Sure, a few of us will take on an entire State, or two, or 10, or more, by way of their outrageously wayward occupational licensing boards -- but fella, now you may be talking some real trouble.

The FMs even had contracts out on all our strongest federally charter banks -- even put the squeeze on the likes of


-- forcing them to disassociate from FM Watch or face the furious fist of financial ruin -- at least that's what I heard.

Powerful Players. They own more federal legislators than you can shake a deed at.

And the big difference here is: They know who you are. They know where you live.

They may not take kindly...

Just something to think about.


David C. Johnson (only partly in jest)

(PS. But, of course, keep up all the good work all the same! -- as the whole team use to tell Lloyd Lance, our high shcool cross country star: "We're behind you all the way!")
It warms the cockels of my cold, cold heart.

You'know appraisal is about fairness, level playing
field, and dang it when someone gets poltical and
upity, they deserve criticism. Fannie has gotten too
big for its own britches.

Why do they differentiate between "low- and moderate-income families and African-American and Hispanic homebuyers" ?
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