Freshman Member
- Joined
- Jan 15, 2002
- Professional Status
- Certified Residential Appraiser
- State
- Maryland
I don't know how long forum comments or in my case appeals for help stay in the forum. I found this forum last Sat. night and appealed for help from anybody who cares to. I was kindly given condolences and helpful advise. However, if anybody else has any input or follow-up, I would really appreciate it. I am a Certified Residential Appraiser from central Maryland who was recently removed from the appraiser roster for 6 months . I did not do what HUD/FHA Philadelphia HOC said I did. The reviewer did not even accuse me of what HUD removed me for. The main reason for the suspension is "I potentially endangered the health and safety of the occupants :roll: of the home" I appraised in March 2000. I received an AQA from the Washington I think :?: in May 2001. The reviewer was not identifed nor was the date of the AQA :roll:. The reviewer :lol: stated "there was defective paint in the basement/foundation walls". The review was done (my guess) in April or March 2001, A year later. :?: I did not see any loose, cracking or peeling paint at the time of my appraisal inspection. I explaind this in the AQA answer I sent in May 2001. In October 2001 I received notification of the proposed removel (Dated October 25, 2001". I had 20 days (actually 17 days by the time I received the letter) to respond. I did respond by U S Postal Service Certified Mail on November 10 2001 (14 days after I received notification and 17 days after the date on the proposed removal letter). The letter of response and appeal for a conference along with the package (almost 2 lbs) of evidence I sent, took at least 5-6 hours to prepare. The return receipt had a November 15th 2001 date on it. I could not beleive it took 5 days to get from basically Baltimore to Philadelphia in 5 days :?. I just so happened to have been working 12+ hours a day 7 days a week at the time. I then received a letter from Philadelphia HOC stating that I did not respond so I was suspended for 6 months 8O :? . I then received a letter stating my response was "Late" and the person backed up the other person :roll: and confermed the suspension. Well I was not only I was professionally and sort of :x . I could not beleive that a person who tried to do his best (I do on all assignments no matter who the client or subclient is) on every job I am assigned. I VCed 10 items on that appraisal and it was an almost completed totally renovated "townhouse" in what is no know as "Federal Hill", Baltimore Maryland. Now I regret even doing the appraisal which was done correctly and I still stand by my adjustments and value conclusion. I will not go into the entire AQA and all of my answers. I will say there were approximately 2-3 minor errors, 3 disagreements with adjustments and a 3% difference of opinion on value and the "Paint" issue. My father who was on the FHA panel since 1986 apprenticed me and I know how to do FHA appraisals. I have done several homes in the Federal Hill area of Baltimore and can defend my adjustments. My father was also "Asked to be a reviewer in 1993 :?: , right after the lender select system took over. He was wise enough to know that an appraised value is a professional opinion in which appraisers may differ slightly. The reviewer differd by 3% which is under the AQA's 10% question and under the handbooks 5% guideline in the "new " handbooks threat collums :roll: . ps. I love that part of the handbook in which they have tried to scare the do do out of appraisers to do their job. to me it is unnecessary. However, the powers that be saw fit to include this in the handbook and then do not follow the guidelines anyway. Why would a fellow appraiser even address the disagreement with value unless it is over the guidelines. I guess he or she was trying to make me look bad :roll: . The proposed removal letter was accompanied by "the final rule" regarding appraiser discipline. There were several questions and answers regarding the "NEW" appraiser discipline methods. One of the questions had to do with "Won't this system of removal allow HUD an easier avenue to remove an appraiser and therefore have the potential to be abused? The answer by HUD's representitive was "In the past during the entire time the panel was in effect there was only 36 appraisers removed from the panel and most of those cases were out right fraud or criminal in nature. So what is HUD saying to me, I am a criminal :evil: , Huh!! I have never done anything illegal in my carreer and would not even think about it. Damn it I did my job and still have not only lost my FHA work and reputation, it has bleed over to the conventional work being suspended also by the main company I worked for. They said it was a "Corprorate decision" to go along with HUD. If they think you should be suspended then we will go along with that. Just great! Now my professional reputation has been tarnished, stained and hopefully tempoarely ruined over a mistake. I have a letter from the builder who renovated the house and he states "someone prior to my renovation painted the basement walls (this is the first item that make Me think that the walls were more recently painted than 1978) and my company scrapped any loose paint and cleaned the basement. Baltimore City issued a Use and Occupancy certificate for this house. I am trying to find out if Paint or lead based paint is an issue considered when a U & O is issued? I would think so. Well thats all for tonight. I couldn't find the old forum appeal for help so I am reissuing it in hope that some other advise comes in. Thank You all for you condolences and advise. I truely appreciate it.
Sincerely, R G Acker
Ps. My email address is in my profile if someone wants to privately communicate. Certanly do not mind
Sincerely, R G Acker
Ps. My email address is in my profile if someone wants to privately communicate. Certanly do not mind