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Bill S

Junior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Does anybody know of a site that will check how vulnerable your system is and recommend improvements in firewall settings. Does a cable router eliminate threats?

Ditto, like Dan said go to:

Shields up test.

Zone Alarm, free firewall.

"Does a cable router eliminate threats?" It won't totally elimiate threats, but it will help make you more stealth like on the net. Your IP address won't show up as "open and available". That is why I use a router instead of an internal modem.

That was pretty cool. Tested the one site and it told me on the first test that my computer did not exist on the internet. And the second test from the same site said that my computer was in stealth mode. Not bad for a router.

The zone alarm one was not working so I'll try it again later.

I'm using a Linksys cable router with wireless capability ($200). Works great as a firewall. We were having hacking problems before, now no one can see the computers (had a professional try). Took less than 30 minutes to set up.
Okay, no more fussing about hackers for now on. :wink:
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