It really is about time to do a major forms revision and house-cleaning of all the obsolete, out-dated and ridiculous form types which still linger within our (my) software's forms menus. --- It's about time to update and tweak some fields within the forms we regularly use today, as in the 1004, 2055, et al and etc., to close the gaps which raise those confusions experienced by both veteran and new appraisers. Add a few new data fields perhaps and eliminate a few which are insignificant. --- While those who create and approve forms are at's about time they also create a nationally-accepted and standardized appraisal ORDER FORM which lets our client inform us, in writing and in the beginning of an assignment, just WHAT the intended use is, WHO the intended users are, and some possible lead-in to the SCOPE of what our final product could be based upon. We should not have to guess, or assume, or call them back to ask for some of those things to be clarified. Our clients have access to PC's. Type the order. Hand-written orders should be discouraged. I've seen too much crappy penmanship. An example #1: The client / homeowner's estimate of value is NOT any part of any "scope" of the work. Drawing a "smiley face" next to the estimate number does not score points with me ! Example #2: They want a "drive-by", fine, then briefly state how, and why, our doing a drive-by satisfies the clients goals and allows us to then move forward with an at-best process to conclude the assignment. --- One should NOT NEED lengthy addenda pages to provide CYA documentation. The CYA process can and should be simplified. The USPAP can be written in 1/2 the total number of words and pages as in the present edition. I'll bet it can be done, and be more understandable, as well. I will give it this much, it IS less than the totality of the U.S. Tax Code ! But heh !, that's all just my opinion anyway, and I'm just this guy out here.......