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Florida's Anti-Regulation Law Has Fatal Flaw: It Assumes Truthful Regulators

Some will still defend corruption even when the institutions they hold in such high regard are shown to be corrupt

Some individuals have emotional blind spots that lead them to defend the indefensible, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Psychiatrists refer to this as cognitive dissonance, where conflicting beliefs create mental discomfort, prompting them to cling to their views despite contrary facts. Ultimately, this can hinder personal growth and healthy relationships, making it essential to recognize and address these blind spots.
Lookit, if you guys want to burn everything down then there is definitely a certain percentage of appraisers who agree with you and support that sentiment. Your blood is up and you're working that Lena Dunham level rage spiral and I know as well as anyone else that nobody tells an appraiser what to think. Not to mention the point that I sympathize with your situation. I'm not interested in trying to talk you out of how you feel. But I am interested in perhaps prompting you to consider what comes next afterwards if successful at burning it all down. And to consider in what ways you think it might be better vs what ways it might be worse. Because if you think that your situation as a fee appraiser can't possibly get any worse then I would suggest that you're just not using enough imagination.

Because the one thing I doubt will ever happen is that neither the feds nor the GSEs will never allow MB-select to become the predominant origin of the appraisals again. If that's what you're thinking then you need to put a little more critical thinking into that question. They'll go to full AVMs for almost everything long before they go back to MB-select and appraisers selling appraisals door-to-door to their local MBs.

I might be 180* wrong about it, but I also don't think the AMC deal is going to change significantly UNLESS a lot of proof comes out that demonstrates their involvement resulted in a lot of additional gross overvaluations that wouldn't have occurred under direct engagement. By which I am not referring to the lack of support for fireplace adjustments or corner cutting or sloppiness. The value conclusions would have to be egregious AND excessive, not just sloppy.

But, I know some of you believe otherwise so by all means, go for what you know.
Every rule, every regulation, every law requires enforcement to mean anything. There are always people who will skirt or break laws and regulations for the benefit of themselves and their friends. That will never change. The task is to shine light on the misdeeds. The task is to vote smarter. Unfortunately, I don't think either of those things is likely to change dramatically in the near future.
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