Thanks Dave:
I had found the Freddie site through Google, and spent no small amount of time rafting through the lower portion of a certain odiferous creek.... attempting to find a nugget. None found.
I was sort of hoping to find the guidelines posted somewhere else... they appear to be that rare substance: unobtainium.
Conclusion I am running into is that short of spending the serious bucks for paper or electronic format Freddie Guidelines (available ONLY through Freddies sole authorized reseller ALLREGS. :evil: $430 ) I am just going to do what every local appraiser I have contacted suggested: do it by Fannie 2055 Guidelines, and ferrgiddit.
SO by the standard of peer competence and what your responsible peers would do I should be fine, right :? 8O
. I have the cleint's verbal permission to proceed under his being advised that I have been unable to locate a copy, and my statement that I was considering declining the assignment on that basis.
I did take a 2055 class a few years ago, but given the number of rule changes from Fannie I was hoping to insure I don't run afoul of Freddie!
This sort of idiocy makes me really angry.
Fee for the rules exceeds the fee for the service. :evil: