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Free Form Text

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Ben Vukicevich SRA

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
New Jersey
Here's something that bugs the hell out of me....why does free form text refuse to print every once in awhile. I use it to locate the subject and comparables on the Location Map and damn, it just doesn't want to print sometimes. It's there on the form but does not come-up when printed. Frustrating as all get out.

Any ideas???


Actually, I have had that problem in the past. Turned out that I had been experimenting a little too much with alternative fonts that my printer did not recognize. This also may occur if you have used a digital signature and checked that the document may not be altered after you sign it (this can be reversed by removing the signature and re "signing" with an indication that the document is not locked).

The free form print is interesting to say the least. In some cases, like in the event the location map is changed to reflect an additional comp (or a different map altogether) the free form text will remain invisible but will appear when printed.

Usually, in my case, it is operator caused and a little back peddling will uncover the cause. Good Luck, and keep the forum informed.....this is a good issue because the free form text feature of Bradford is one of the premier features of the program. I use it ALL the time.

Doug Kues
Ben I would like for you to keep us posted also, I use the free form very little, maybe it would be beneficial to me to use it more. wade

I agree with Doug, free from text is one of the best features in Toolbox. I don't use internet mapping services so I usually use my Sony Mavica to shoot the color county road maps which are more detailed looking than the hokey-looking internet maps. I upload it as a file into the Location Map in Toolbox and then use freeform text to locate the subject and comps.

I use something like this: SUBJECT------->, then I bold it and increase the font size so it is readily visible on the map. The same goes for the comps. It actually looks pretty good when printed in color.

I never start appraisals from scratch. I always over-type one from a similar area and I think that this may be the problem with the use of freeform text.

Ben, I use street atlas and include it in the appraisal. Has worked for me Wade
Ben & Wade:

Just opened and installed Street Atlas 2003 yesterday and would highly recommend it for accuracy, ease of use, and instant import capabilities through clipboard. Detail is much better than internet maps, but the import into Bradford does not fill the entire map page in the appraisal report. Never had a complaint though, because the detail is superb and you don't need to use free form text!

Ben....would strongly suggest the use of templates instead of overtyping previous reports. Templates are super easy and always available, and can be modified easily to incorporate market changes.

I wish I would have read your post sooner. I just bought Street Finder by Rand McNally and I don't see a way to import the map into my report.

Ben, I wish I had read your note also, I had street atlas for about 5 years and upgraded to street atlas deluxe. I used it 3 days and went back to original street atlas. another 50.00 down the tube Wade
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