Hate to add to your burdon, but "It Depends"...
As in, it is the appraiser's call, as per my last face to face with officials from the Denver HOC (which was nearly two years ago - and therules may have changed again...
This is the verbal I got from them at that time to the best of my recollection:
If present, gutters must be fully painted, properly affixed, and set such that the run off discharges appropriately, away from the foundation. There is no specific requirement unless (here's the kicker) in your opinion, gutters are necessary for the house due to climate conditions that would add unusual wear and tear if not present.
Again this is old news as per MY HOC, you should probably check with your own!!
Now don't shoot the messenger {cringe} This whole conversation started out with them disabusing us folks who had thought we knew what we were doing in requiring such things as window screens and relief valves discharge tubes on hot water heaters :evil: Gutters were mentioned in the same sentence with the foregoing, prefaced with "Did you know you cannot require these per the 4150.2?" I left mumbling about babies and bathwater :evil: