Slacker I had an incident almost identical to yours once and I was simply shooting a comp photo.....there
was a geezer patrol waiting for me on the way out of a culdesac street......I couldn’t help but
laugh at them.....the head of the posse had a weed eater, a pot belly like a bowling ball, Bermuda
shorts and those thin black pull up socks....totally ridiculous......he was scowling and asking me
what the hell I was doing then started mumbling something about calling the cops and I said
“Please call them, I need to take some more pictures on the next street and I’d feel safer with their
presence. This neighborhood looks kind of seedy.” I thought the guy’s forehead was going to’s easy to be brave when you know there’s no real threat.
Debra this is what I do for pre-foreclosure drivebys, I’m very cautious even in expensive
neighborhoods, you never know what state of mind the person is in for delinquencies......imagine
a paranoid guy inside who is armed and high as a kite and keeping watch.......I do MUCHO
pre-foreclosure driveybys and have reached the point where I turn down most assignments if they
even smack of being rural because you’ll have a hard time identifying the property and you may
encounter private dirt roads even if the property has an address on a public road. Squinting for
address number with a neighborhood full of Dobermans and Deliverance casting extras is not my
idea of fun.

I love drivebys in cookie cutter can take the picture 2 blocks
away. ......... I try to get the tax map, site map, MLS photo if one exists and as much info as
possible beforehand. I usually drive by the property, slow down and look as closely and safely as
I can without arousing suspicion. Many times I take my photo on zoom before or after driving by.
I don’t like taking a photo directly in front of the subject. If the client insists on a National
Geographic quality photo, they can hire someone else. I turn down assignments if the area is
considered dangerous and I'm even more selective for REO interior appraisals......those idiots
can’t understand why I’m willing to do an exterior pre-foreclosure and won’t do an interior later.
What I truly enjoy about REO and pre-foreclosure work is realizing that the $$$$$$$ so many
people thought was wealthy is soon in for a humbling experience......perception isn’t always
reality when it comes to a delinquent mortgage.