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Ruth Langkawel

Sophomore Member
Jan 14, 2002
Have a request for "correction" from a lender:

"Add PO Box Address to Appraisal and CHUMS along with street address"

Que' pasa :?

I started doing FHA appraisals in 1997. Have never been issued a CHUMS number. I believe they did away with those at some point prior to 1997, and use the appraisers license number instead - which is, of course, on the appraisal!

I have no idea what PO Box address they are talking about. I have the PO Box address for the state licensing board in the addendum as always - in case they want to complain about me (required on all appraisals in Michgan). The subject is owner occupied - the loan was a reverse mortgage.

And of course the subject address is on every page of the report! I'm assuming that they want the borrowers PO Box address in addition to the street address.

You're correct about the CHUMs number, they're gone. All I can think of is that it's a blanket instruction from the underwriter to the processor. You/Appraiser add the PO Box to the street address listed in the appraisal and the processor corrects the same in the FHA computer system so it matches.

The DEU's instruction is not worded clearly and can mean more than one thing.


Ben is correct that HUD is no longer issuing CHUMS numbers; however, they do have them- only it is now your license number.

My # is GAL 844, I suppose that is for Ga. I am licensed not certified, and 844 is my appraisal #.
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