Trying to figure out what you're trying to say, so I'm just gonna take a leap. Yes - the lender IS procuring a $200 appraisal service when they engage an AMC (assuming, of course, that the appraiser charged the AMC $200 and that the appraiser's services were adequate for the lender's needs). They are, however (or more appropriately - the buyer is), paying $1k for that $200 appraisal service. Which, to my point, should infuriate ANY lender - especially as regards the exorbitant fee their borrower is paying for the AMC's services.
Thanks for your service. Many of us have made similar but different efforts in trying to get the abuses within our industry back on course. And for those who claim that people like me don't get out there and go to all these meetings with all these organizations and events that, frankly, accomplishes NOTHING, here's some of things I've done over the last 40 years:
I helped raise ~$25K for legal fees and found a competent attorney for Pam Crowley when she was sued by eAppraiseIT (Google it) when she claimed they cracked open the PDF reports, removed the signatures and had free access to change whatever else they wanted in the reports.
I met with the Secret Service and State of (Florida) reps in Tallahassee to try and get more attention on the abuses by the lending and AMC industries going on in my state.
I have been a PIA for Jim Amorin, Mr. Liskar and others at the AI, DEMANDING answers on the FNC suit, stock options, self-enrichment disclosures for AI board members, staff, directly or indirectly. Myself a only a few others wanted to sue the AI years ago over the FNC and selling out of the residential membership and their data mining sell out (SCAM #1), that segwayed into the escalation of the AMC business model that takes that data and develops hybrids, etc., that competes against the appraiser. We couldn't get enough appraisers to donate to hire legal counsel to get our questions answered.
I was the 'task force' or 'think tank' in getting the HVCC implemented that went no where.
I hosted groups of vocal appraisers along with Steve Cannon, Esq., (FTC vs Lousiana) at my home to try and get a group together to get some legal action going.
The fee issue is the LEAST of our problems and has always been the wrong way to go about correcting the abuses within the lending and appraisal industries. But it appears the ONLY time you get the average appraiser's attention is when it hits THEM in the pocket book. Too little, too late.
I hope Cindy Chance blows up the AI. It's unsustainable and unsalvageable at this point, IMO. It's a tear-down due to functional and economic obsolescence, inherent moral corruption notwithstanding. The AI issue aside, the appraisal and related industries are a massive money making endeavor that is not likely change anytime soon.
Let REVAA take over let the appraisers all be trained by AMC's to hit the number. The beat goes on.