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Hoax may help you delete Java files. Don't fall for it

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Rick Hess

Sophomore Member
Feb 6, 2002
From CNET at news.com Tech news. There is an email running around warning about a virus. This hoax warns the file "jdbgmgr.exe" is a virus that'll damage your puter system after sitting inactive for 2 weeks. It ain't a virus. It's a way to get you to delete the above exe file, which could screw up your Java Debugger Manager. Check out the entire story at cnet news.com.


There are more and more of these hoaxes that cause the uninformed to sabotage their own machines... as if confusers weren't capable of smoking themseleves without human intervention :roll: But the dopes who proceed to forward the hoaxes to everyone they know! :evil:

McAfee just sent out a newsletter reccomending folks check for hoaxes particularly if someone reccomends the user delete any files. I tend to use http://www.snopes2.com to check for hoaxes because it is faster and easier than the tech sites, and usually has a fun tidbit or two to check out while I am there! You can search by topic or individual keywords, and rule most hoaxes (of any kind) out pretty fast.
Okay, I was one of the dummies that deleted the files. Does anyone know how I can get it (them) back?
Dummie John from Atlanta
Don't worry about it, John .. unless you're writing, compiling and debugging Java files ..

Per info provided to me by Microsoft Tech Support, you can restore it by going to www.microsoft.com/java/vm/dl_vm40.htm

That site has download options on the bottom, i.e. windows 98 or 2000 etc.

Download the correct file saving it to Desktop, then close all other
applications, go to the new icon on your desktop and double click. It will
then install the file and you should be good to go.
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