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How can you get more orders done?

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Thanks to all of you who were kind enough to be helpful for all of the great answers. They are greatly appreciated.

The big producers left out a very important element of appraisal productivity. Location. Urban areas with lots of data and reasonably homogenous development patterns and construction are a lot easier to appraise in than rural and semi-rural areas, and areas with difficult data or more complicated appraisal problems. Heck, just driving time can kill your productivity. The biggest producers I know are those who work a relatively small geographic area (like 1/4 of a county) and restrict their work to just a couple of property types.

George Hatch

Yes...that's me. I worked for somebody else till this year and I guess that's what takes most of my time is that I'm mostly getting rural properties so far (probably that nobody else wanted). But...I expect that things will continue to improve as time goes on... :D
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