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Hurricane Helena devastation in NC!


Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I went with my daughter to the mountain house up in Ashville/Black Mountain/Marion area. I knew we were gonna be in for some rain.... but instead the whole countryside around me exploded. I couldn't walk twenty feet down the road without a huge tree blocking. When we finally cut the trees out of the street, I was on... i
I thought I would make my way to asheville. There I saw houses, stores, cars, and semis floating away. It was all surreal. Everything was out. We had no food, no water, no electricity, no internet, no gasoline. We tried different ways to get out, but to no avail. Finally, on sunday with barely an eighth of a tank of gas, we headed out of Asheville, on i26. I was running on fumes after a while, and they came across one gas station that had electricity. I waited and I long line around the block. Finally, I was able to get thirty dollars worth of gas cash only. We made it home.
So many weren't that lucky. FEMA has been dragging its feet. I don't think the country realizes the devastation that this storm created. Who would guess that a hurricane that dropped no rain upon entering florida flooded a mountain range five hundred miles away and twenty five hundred feet up in the air.
There are a lot of conspiracies going around and i don't know exactly what's going on, but something isn't right. They aren't letting med teams up. Threatening to arrest a trained guy with a helicopter trying to save some people.
Entire towns have been washed away. Water going over a dam at one point had more water flowing over it then the niagara falls. Interstate 40 will take a year to open backup.
Harris offered seven hundred and fifty dollars... Unless you're an illegal, then you get twenty five hundred dollars for just breaking into the country.

They need so much help there. Please help them if you can.
And these trees are not small trees
  • Wow
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Not to be disrespectful, Many here can't imagine the devastation in NC. On map, NC seems so far from Florida.
I would think Florida would be hit hardest.
Well, you'll have a plenty of firewood for a while. When was it that NC flooded so badly before - 2004 or so? It was a topic of discussion here.

There is a number of sites to donate cash too - clothes not so much. They need food and water. I would not donate to the Red Cross. I would donate to the Salvation Army, but this is a place to look for the best bang for the buck

Well, you'll have a plenty of firewood for a while. When was it that NC flooded so badly before - 2004 or so? It was a topic of discussion here.

There is a number of sites to donate cash too - clothes not so much. They need food and water. I would not donate to the Red Cross. I would donate to the Salvation Army, but this is a place to look for the best bang for the buck

I was going to send a chunk to the Red Cross; why shouldn't I?
I would think Florida would be hit hardest.
they get the worst wind. But the rain generally falls mostly on the "right side" of the storm and since it hits shore and spreads out as it slows it can suck an awful lot of moisture into the vortex of the storm and dump inland.
I was going to send a chunk to the Red Cross; why shouldn't I?
The RC will toot their horn and offer loans and appear to do great things. But despite the RC claiming to spend only 10% of raised funds upon themselves, Charity watch gives the number at 25%. So only 1 in 4 bucks gets to the people who need it. Almost 100% of Salvation Army funds goes to charity.
NC has "stolen" lots of financial jobs from CA. I would think NC is not like Mississippi and in good financial situation and not needing desperate help.
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