Shooting thru the windows can be helped by using a polarizing lens on the camera otherwise I find the glare unacceptable.
Lots of interesting ideas. When I am inspecting, I sketch on graph paper and sketch to scale. Has saved me many a time, also know immediately in the field whether all my dimensions are correct. (did the box close?), also have a comp sales worksheet that just involves circling data about the 5 or so comps that I choose for a particular job.
Also have a "homeowner questionaire" that I keep on my clipboard to get nosy homeowner out of my hair, questions such as special features, upgrades, remodeling, special neighborhood amenities etc. Ask the homeowner to sit down in the kitchen and fill it in while I am inspecting - gets them to do something - also gives me additional info that can be used if needed, but not often used. Generally used to keep the homeowner busy.
Keep my completed jobs filed by subdivision, so immediately have previous info about subdivision and/or PUD data at my fingertips for future jobs.
Keep smiling - spring is coming.