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If the Appraisal Groups are not doing the job, then what?

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Had you not mentioned my name, I would not have joined in the thread. I have come to ask questions, not to yell.

You mention that the organizations are not "doing the job" and do not "solve our problems." In all sincerity, I do not know what "the job" is. What is it that you want done?
Steve, I haven't joined anyone yet either although about a decade ago I did the candidate thing with NAIFA.......but,
What is it that you want done?

I want an organization that more resembles the teachers unions....if you are a teacher and you pay your dues, you are a member......the state licensing regulations covers the membership requirements. Even master teachers are members just like 1st year teachers. I know this is not a popular idea for those of you who worked hard and have, deservedly, earned your IFA/IFAS/SRA/MAI etc.......but excluding working appraisers from voting membership based on review of a narrative is counter productive.........and yet these things can be merged effectively. Take a couple of courses, pay your dues and fees, and you can be a Realtor....but if you want to be a CCIM or something else, it takes additional training and effort. To be a voting member of an appraisal organization, you should only have to be licensed......then, pursuing an IFA, IFAS, MAI etc can be an option a person chooses.....not a requirement for membership.

In marketing, I want an organization that allows organizational advertising. I would like to see clip art, radio and tv scripts, etc. I am not asking the organizations to pay for my marketing....not even co-op advertising, but I would like to be able to distinguish my company from other companies through my affiliations. I would like to see the organization make a national as well as local marketing effort to bring to the public an awareness of appraisals and what they are, what they do, and what they don't do.

Once you have all 80,000 or so appraisers paying $300 or so a year, everything else is easy. Including lobbying, focus groups, conventions, educational offering approvals, etc.
What's their Job? I haven't been able to determine what purpose they serve. Some indicate they offer overpriced Appraisal Courses that can usually be taken from another source for less money. Their annual membership fee has increased so much that new younger apprraisers are discouraged from joining.

Forum: We were formed with a misson in mind. To repersent the appraiser which happens to also repersent the Consumers needs. To protect the welfare of the appraiser in a field that is out to use the appraiser as a scape goat to further profits. To level the playing field for appraisers so that they may do their job the way it should be done. VALUATIONS IN A MANNER THAT WILL GIVE AN HONEST VALUATION WITHOUT OUTSIDE INFLUENCES.

William Sentner
American Guild of Appraisers OPEIU AFL-CIO
I have been looking at joining one of these groups and the only one that makes seems to make sense is the union. I could take jabs at all the groups for what is wrong is with them but I will just say they do not seem right for me as an independent residential appraiser. The union seems to have no hidden agenda and is straight foreword about its direction.

Sign me up.

I got my membership package several days ago and am just now getting the chance to sit down and open the envelope. I am also just printing out Tom Hildebrandt's 14 page PDF file in my email box of the judge's decision in his case. Cannot decide which to read first!



David C. Johnson, AGA
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