Some of the lenders own the AMC as their captive order department.I wonder if the lenders that use those AMCs are getting kickbacks, no other reason to use them except to facilitate fraud. One appraiser I saw did a duplex hybrid for either Clear or Class, borrower paid $250, appraiser paid $25. Appraiser licensed in 7 states. Anyone can see that can't be more than a rubberstamp using their license.
If the lenders have the AMC captive they can set the rates. I'd imagine those using these AMCs are pretty sketchy in terms of following the rules themselves. Maybe its more worth it to pay an AMC $910 to find an appraiser they can browbeat into doing it for $220. What is so valuable about the AMC? Perhaps they can find an appraiser that is ethically challenged easier?Some of the lenders own the AMC as their captive order department.
Wrt kick backs, I have no idea, I suppose it is possible.
WRt other reasons a lender uses an AMC - I have posted many times that they get this service free of hard cost to them via the HUD govt perk entitlement that allows the AMC to get paid from the appraisal fee split rather than then AMC charging their customer a cost like every other business out there -
A lender using an AMC saves the cost or admin of running their own appraisal panel= though amazingly, some lenders still use their own panel due to better quality control - I also might assume the cost is a lot lower these days to run a panel due to the internet , software and portals -
Complain about appraiser shortage and get more alternative products or unlicensed people...oh yea that is already happening.Just don't work for AMCs. If nobody did, what would they do?