I have issues with less government too. I worked for the State where they forced a head count no matter what amount of work we had because they wanted small government. I was a civil engineer being paid less than my private peers in a day and age where pensions and perks were gone. I became a project manager, among other things, who presided over contracts to private companies who we outsourced a large percentage of our engineering work to. These engineers were not considered employed by our State, so my managing 10-private employees meant 1-engineer. That is what my understanding of small government is. What I wish people would say is that they want efficient government or government that controls spending. Take a look at "Blackwater" sometime. It's a former military mercenary group. It's a similar concept. We can have troops on the ground without it counting as our boots on the ground. The pay grade is higher too. A smart government would ask if it would be cheaper to consult it out and if not, they should do it in house. I also think there needs to be better development of government project managers. Poorly written and bloated contracts leave subcontractors in a difficult position. Billions could be saved by eliminating unnecessary contract requirements.