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Intended User

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Again, I argue, unless there is clear evidence that the property is worth more than the borrower expects, it is best to just turn down any assignment involving an ethnicity different from your own.

exactly. if you want to be run over by the train, play on the tracks.
It is hoped that your suggestion is satirical, because to do so would be to surrender to the dark side of impending public policy
Declining service based on race is a non-starter. It doesn't even bear discussion.
Yes it does. I run a business. I am under no obligation to fall on my own sword. Clearly most, if not all, these claims are bogus but in a society where the only legal discrimination is that against Anglo-Saxon males - especially those over 50 - don't kid me. I owe no one the opportunity to cash in on my own skin color by hollering "discrimination".
I understand the sentiment, I just disagree with it. Strongly. IMO, everyone has equal need for professional services which are rendered competently and professionally. If my client has reason to do the deal then somebody has to do right by that assignment.

Now if we're talking about clients and others who have a bad reputation for actually doing dastardly things then that's a separate matter entirely.
everyone has equal need for professional services which are rendered competently and professionally.
Are you saying there are no Hispanic, Black, nor Asian appraisers who are competent? The way the lender can checkmate any such issue is to match someone of an equal "protected class" to do the appraisal. It takes that race baiting issue off the table immediately.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm also making a distinction between the choices I make as an appraiser vs the choices a lender makes as a user of appraisals. If a client were to tell me they were choosing another appraiser for this reason then that wouldn't bother me one little bit. Likewise, if there were some technical aspect of the assignment and my client wanted me to help that appraiser through that I'd be happy to do that, too.

If I think I'm walking into a high risk situation relating to personalities then my default is to take extra care to make my case in my report and to demonstrate how/why I think any conclusion that's significantly higher could not be considered a reasonable expression of MV.
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12955. It shall be unlawful:


they're requiring sensitivity training, too

Maybe a silly question, but is the term "and assigns" appropriate? (I'm asking specifically about BK assignments because I don't know whether the BK court, etc., etc., need to be identified by type or name, or whether their use is implied because of the nature of the assignment.)
If you're asking if it is appropriate to include "...and Assigns" as an Intended User, there is only one correct answer to that question: No, never. Once you identify a person or entity as an Intended User, YOU--the appraiser--have development and reporting obligations to attend to and lacking awareness of what these might be for an unknown person or entity, how can that be accomplished? Answer: It cannot. I suggest that you take read and digest all of Advisory Opinion 36. Read and digest all of it, but, be certain read lines 41-44 and 52-58 more than a few times.
If you're asking if it is appropriate to include "...and Assigns" as an Intended User, there is only one correct answer to that question: No, never. Once you identify a person or entity as an Intended User, YOU--the appraiser--have development and reporting obligations to attend to and lacking awareness of what these might be for an unknown person or entity, how can that be accomplished? Answer: It cannot. I suggest that you take read and digest all of Advisory Opinion 36. Read and digest all of it, but, be certain read lines 41-44 and 52-58 more than a few times.
Will Do ASAP. Thank you.
Not accepting some assignments won't be an option in CA soon
I don't read that in it.... And I have 12 more grannies who may die at a moment's notice. I would not be stupid enough to say I don't want to do it because of someone's race. I simply play the competency card. BTW, it is totally allowable in the US to discriminate against anyone who is white, male, over 50, and either a Baptist or from the South....or voted for Trump.
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