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Is anyone going to Orlando June 5-7?

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that seems to be the popular mantra around here......................:D :D
janet rabin said:
that seems to be the popular mantra around here......................
I still have mine - unlike someone else - ALL of them:rof: :rof: :rof: :rof:
Otis Key said:
I still have mine - unlike someone else - ALL of them

low otis...............that was low...................:rof: :rof: :rof:
janet rabin said:
low otis...............that was low...................
What? What are you taking about?:leeann: :leeann: :leeann:

OK, OK - if anyone has pictures, I'll have to send out the hit squad! Good thing I wasn't driving!
Do you remember seeing me there? I was seated on your left. Come to think of it, I was with you and Frank when Pam had her shot of tiquila at the mexican place.

Where are the pics? I saw alot (g) of people taking photos.
Hey what happened? This thing got moved! Were we not talking about Alamode anymore???:rof:
Seems, I guess ....

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