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Is It Ok To Take 7 Hour USPAP Update On-line

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Ben, Ben, Ben...... Some of the USPAP wanna be instructors can't pass the exam, only about 4 out of 10 on the first go around. Guess I should go take it again, huh?

How does the State know you personally took the test? Hmmmmmmm They made us do everything but get finger printed.

Well if 6 out of 10 can't pass, that says alot about USPAP.. It's a failure right off the bat.... But. Sure. Why not. take it again and pass the test....then set-up an on-line course..and I'll be your first customer...... :D :D

How do they know I took the course?????? Who the hell has the time to take another appraiser's CE???? :P :P

Actually, you have to sign and fax an affidavit to them before they will send you your completion certificate..

Wow, just think... US companies are outsourcing their tech jobs to India....maybe appraisers can outsource their on-line CE needs to companies there too :P :P

I challenge you to take the instructor's course and test, it was the hardest test I've ever taken.

Mike obviously thought it was a hard test too. Many of the instructor's didn't pass the test the first time. Could it be that we haven't been tested in 30-40 years? It might be that it's not just USPAP, it's "Concepts and Principles of USPAP" which is very different because it covers much more than ten standards.

The students test should be much easier, but some will fail the first time they take the test. we are getting about 86% pass rate nationally on the 15 hour course and test. I still think that there are enough instructors to teach the appraisers in the U.S., so thanks for the update on your experience with the online course.

Happy Appraising. :D
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