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Licensing certified residential meeting questions

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Freshman Member
Dec 7, 2013
Professional Status
Appraiser Trainee
I'm going to Nashville in the morning for my certified residential licensing meeting with the board. What can I expect? Duration of meeting? Type of questions? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Is this now a standard procedure? Does EVERY appraiser coming in or upgrading have to have a personal meeting?
Yes. A meeting with a board member is required to be cleared to take the tn state exam, or after the exam has been passed, a meeting is required to be licensed. To my knowledge, it is not a new procedure.
It's been quite awhile since my meeting. As best I remember, it wasn't too bad. The member had looked at one or more of the appraisal samples submitted and had questions. You simply had to be prepared to defend your your work If the work was sloppy or you could not defend it, I imagine the meeting could be quite unpleasant. My went fine, the member was friendly and it lasted less than 10 minutes. Not to worry.
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