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LO or UW requests?

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It's also a great time when a value complaint comes in with "better" sales from the agent. Nothing like the wasted time spent explaining that they're either over a year (or two) old, still listings, or the best is when they ARE the comparables that were used.

Wally, That was really funny!!!! Sad, too, that a Realtor would do that.

Joe, I've have plenty of Realtors do the same thing. I've made it easier by telling them that if they had any closed sales that are newer in time, closer in proximity and more similar in size, age and construction, please let me know. That usually shuts them up. Those that it doesn't shut up are the ones that explain to me that it's perfectly OK to use sales over a mile away, etc. and I can just ignore the ones in the subject subdivision - after all, doing that would make the value needed! :? 8O :?: Those will never get it.
Just been super busy and we did just take 3 days off to go to Taos. Now that is some interesting real estate. Wasn't aware it's the only tribe that had the US government give them back some of their land.

Best month in quite awhile....still trying to catch up. Don't you just love it when the underwriter knows more about the appraisal than you do. Of course they are a thousand miles away and has never even been in your state.
Neil, Joe, Ben,

Beat it TODAY! $800K home. Comp 1 was 7 SF bigger--- +500. Comp 4- a model match of comp one- no adjustment. Further, comps 1+4 were model matches of the subject!

Nailed the value (not hard with 2 recent model matches in the subdivision on same size lots), but go figure.

Brad Ellis, IFA, RAA
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