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Log In Question for Wayne.

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Mountain Man

Elite Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I log in and read the postings. After a while, I find something of interest and type a response. When I click submit or preview, the log in box comes back up. Evidently, I got dis-logged :?. Then I have to retype my response. Is there a time out setting that will disconnect me if I don't type something? Or is it just me?
Mell, you people from North Georgia that get dis-logged had better be careful. Wade

I log in and read the postings. After a while, I find something of interest and type a response. When I click submit or preview, the log in box comes back up. Evidently, I got dis-logged :?. Then I have to retype my response. Is there a time out setting that will disconnect me if I don't type something? Or is it just me?

Check "log me in automatically" the next time you log in and this won't happen.

Yes, if you log in and do not have the "automatic" feature checked you will get logged off after a period of time. This is for security purposes in case you are sharing a computer with other users.

If you are the only user use the automatic function.

Of course you must not have "cookies" disabled or this and many more of the nice features of this forum (or any interactive site) will not work.
Thanks Wayne, :D Problem solved.
Yeah, getting dis-logged is an ongoing problem up here Wade. Crummy ISP.
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