Chase Manhatten last week agreed to lower the mortgages on a bunch of properties that were going sour due to over
optimistic appraisals in a ongoing case of massive fraud perpetrated on unsuspecting people.
Class action by 600 homeowners against appraisers, lenders, and developers so overwhelmed attornies that they had to call in reinforcement from Philadelphia. ( that's no good for anyone)!!
Yet the state doesn't want to do anything it seems and it overwhelms the small part time-county DA as he doesn't have the expertise or money to investigate or prosecute.
The Pocono Record has about 20 links to the expose. Fascinating reading.
optimistic appraisals in a ongoing case of massive fraud perpetrated on unsuspecting people.
Class action by 600 homeowners against appraisers, lenders, and developers so overwhelmed attornies that they had to call in reinforcement from Philadelphia. ( that's no good for anyone)!!
Yet the state doesn't want to do anything it seems and it overwhelms the small part time-county DA as he doesn't have the expertise or money to investigate or prosecute.
The Pocono Record has about 20 links to the expose. Fascinating reading.