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MIS Project

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Alan Simmons

Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I was hoping to get some help with a classroom project.

At the beginning of the semester my MIS class divided up into groups. Each group was assigned to find a manual process and using Visible Analyst Workbench (C.A.S.E.) develop an information system to improve the process.

My group agreed to study how Appraisers capture data in the field. Then using this information develop a Transaction Processing System. The focus being the efficient capture, movement, processing and interface of high-volume data. This is just an academic exercise and will stop short of actually developing any code.

None the less we have to do a presentation and I was hoping to include some testimonials from Appraisers:

What is the most difficult and/or annoying part of inspecting a residence?

If you could design a gadget to help you inspect or collect data what would it do?

Just incase anyone is interested


Do you know what I want?? What I really, really want???

A 50' fiberglass tape (Lufkin preferred) that would rewind by itself. Of course, I'd probably poke my eye out with the hook when it came whipping back, but I'd take the chance. And I could probably hook several cats with that device and give them a ride also. :lol: :lol:

Damn, it gets tiresome rewinding that 50 footer over and over, day in, day out. But there's not much demand for such a device with only 80,000 of us out there. Hey, it's a dream. What can I say.

How about an all in one pocket PC/laser measuring device with a digital camera attachment. Since we are dreaming, it would be cool if the program could convert the calculations from the measuring device directly into a sketch program. The pocket PC of course would also include appraisal software like the new pocket total. One basic device for the "observation" process.

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