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Freshman Member
Jan 16, 2002
Just found out today that our biggest MLS system is no longer sharing information with another MLS system. I also found out the the system that I ALSO must sign up for is $350.00 srat up and $91.00 a month for an appraiser. I can not do appraisal now in the area that this MLS covers until I can get onto it and they know this.

Once again parts of the real estate industry is raising their fees and we are still making what we were years ago. I have only been in the business since 1997, but the fees are the same.

I am so sick and tired of having to shell out more and more money to try and I mean try to keep up with the prices that with have to pay to keep up with the times. Well I hope that appraisers in The detroit area read this and give me some feed back. If you do appraisals in the Tri-county area (Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne) you now have to have 3 different MLS systems to complete an appraisal. 3 different MLS's for 3 different counties. I do not know how long I will be able to keep up with everything and still be able to make a profit.

Happy appraising :D
We have a similar problem here in Central Ohio. Instead of sharing listing and sales data with each other in a COOPERATIVE environment, it seems that each counties' MLS board thinks they can maintain their own little fiefdom and keep other counties' Realtors from getting listings in their outlying counties. As a result, the less populated counties' MLS groups have been losing market share in huge chunks to the Columbus metropolitan BOR.

Anyway, we have gotten around that mess and the HUGE expense involved by simply sharing data resources with our appraiser friends in the other counties. It can be agravating to not have immediate access to the data 24 / 7, but a little waiting is better than paying the BIG bucks to each of the BOR's. As a bonus, I have learned a lot about different appraiser's approaches to Unique (sorry, I don't often swear :wink: ) properties. Same goes for those infernal electronic lockbox keys.

We share information, and each of us only maintains one MLS membership. That's probably a direct violation of the BOR rules, but I'm not a big fan of being gouged. Besides, it's not like appraisers are a competitive threat to the Realtors. Heck, they should WANT us to have all the information available, not put up artificial barriers to its' free flow.

If you ever hear a lucid explanation from a Realtor as to why the BORs don't share data, please post it to this group. I've asked a few, but I just get shrugs.
Mr. Nolan

There is a MLS that covers multiple areas of Michigan. Would you ever consider looking at your geographic area of work and re-define it. Give most attention to the area that is most rewarding and stop trying to do all of Southeast Michigan. To spend all day driving in the car takes away from production, especially when someting goes wrong.

Figure out where you do the best and do it

Cross sharing MLS with other offices is counterproductive and causes dependancy.

Each MLS has their own requirements for membership - inquire within
You have to have the tools to do the work. Costs of MLS are a tax
write off as a business expense, so where is the rub ?

Appraisal Fee's are under your controll - raise them to the level whereby you feel that you are getting your adequate share.

I wish you the best, as I went through a similar process years ago.

J. Parker Graham
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