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N California/Bay Area AF get together

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Cynthia Hamilton said:
Their phone number is 415-673-7025 in case anyone gets lost.

Pardon me for saying this, but whoever got lost is NOT a rural appraiser :rof:
Annemieke Roell said:
Pardon me for saying this, but whoever got lost is NOT a rural appraiser :rof:

Huh? Greg Boyd can't find his way around once the roads turn into 2 lanes in each direction. Put him on freeways and he completely falls apart. :rof: :rof: But backroads, dirt roads etc, he can find anything.
I hate driving around in SF, especially around the airport. Oakland might be a better choice... lots of resaurants and hotels on Hagenberger (sp?) on both sides of the 880. Hungry Hunter has a nice lounge area for a get together.

October would be better for me. Maybe I'll have more money by then. LOL.
Greg Boyd said:
lots of resaurants and hotels on Hagenberger (sp?) on both sides of the 880.

Some of those hotels are known for their wide array of service offerings, if you get my drift.:cool:
Even more appropriate as appraiser's tend to recount funny anecdotes about HO's at these types of functions.
Greg Boyd said:
Oakland might be a better choice... lots of resaurants and hotels on Hagenberger (sp?) on both sides of the 880.

Note: Hoppy's recommending this area because he's been there before and it's pretty hard to get lost on the way there. :)
Someday I'm going to have you follow me up the fire roads in Elk Mountain and then I'm going to ditch you.
Greg Boyd said:
Someday I'm going to have you follow me up the fire roads in Elk Mountain and then I'm going to ditch you.
:rof: :rof: :rof: Just so long as the birdwatching is good up there, I'm happy. Unless it leads to one of those "farms" where they escort you out with guns.
Sept 13th works for me. I like the idea of something close to SFO and better parking / traffic.

Here's another location suggestion. Spenger's, the oldest fish joint around, is just off the freeway in Berkeley and has plenty of validated parking.

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