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N California/Bay Area AF get together

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Greg Boyd said:
Because it seems like I have relatives in almost every place that gets discussed on the forum
LOL now I get it. Yes, you DO have relatives everywhere. I was focusing on the casino part.
Greg Boyd said:
For the amusement of Cynthia Hamilton, my cousin (dad's cousin actually) was the casino manager at Harrah's in South Tahoe.

So.... this forum is kinda like a "Six Degrees of Separation" thingy for Greg!woohoo

And! Just in case you didn't already *have* a Six Degrees connection with Keving Bacon, you now do! A friend of mine's dad was Kevin Bacon's helicopter pilot in a couple of films!


Cynthia Hoonhout said:
So.... this forum is kinda like a "Six Degrees of Separation" thingy for Greg!

Greg's got so many relatives, he only needs 3 degrees of separation. :)
I just talked with Ann O'Rourke, she's going to join us as well.

I may have to relocate so I can go to your meeting. Not to gush, but it would be neat to meet Ann O'Rourke.
Hey Rita - how about adding your location to your user profile? Then we'd know how reasonable or unreasonable it would be to say "come on down" anyway. :) Ah, hell, anyone that wants to make the trip is welcome to join us, just let us know who's coming.
Cynthia Hoonhout said:
Wish there were enough members from the Reno/N. Nevada area to organize something like this... I think I'm the only one on the forum! I could have a meeting with myself!!! Alas - the conversation would be a little dull.....


Nah. Talking to yourself is the only way to be assured of having an intelligent conversation.
janet rabin said:
well, then..............you'll have no one to blame but yourself is the meetings a snoozer....................

what about some donuts?

These west coasters have a lot to learn about how to throw a ho-down, eh? :new_sleeping:

Just kidding guys ;)
I am still planning on attending on July 12th, and am bringing along Kris, who is also an appraiser.

Thanks for organizing everything. Looking forward to meeting you all.

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