When there are no appraisers to validate the reasonableness on the majority of purchase transactions, it will go something like this (already does to a degree)…
Real Estate Agent: Can you check to see if you can us a waiver at $410,000? Need to know how much we can offer.
Loan officer: Yes, waiver hit.
Agent: Awesome! I know this is crazy, but can you try $450,000? It’s competitive right now and I don’t want our customer to lose out on this one.
Loan officer: Yes, waiver hit.
Agent: Can you try $460,000? They can put down a little more if they need to.
And so on… rather than market fundamentals, in a competitive market it is AVM value plus borrower credit and LTV that determine the contract price.
Then Fannie will figure out, as long as the LTV is under 80, why not tweak the waiver algorithm to allow some variation on value (5%). The AVM is imperfect, right? There’s no such thing as a point value. As long as borrowers has strong credit and good downpayment, what is the risk? This allows them to pick up market share against Freddie which means a fat quarterly bonus check. Until Freddie responds, and then it’s just a race to the bottom.