Fraud?? I don't think they're introducing the alternative products in the hopes of increasing fraud...
You'll remember that waivers became a big deal during the appraiser shortage of 20/21. That was, initially, the impetus for the alternative products - time savings. It's morphed a bit, although time savings is still a big deal. It's a triage approach now: no PDR (which Fannie calls 'Value Acceptance'), PDR, PDR+hybrid appraisal, full appraisal. The different tranches are (theoretically) triggered based on risk factors as defined by the GSE's. And - honestly - it makes sense, even though it hurts our industry. Who needs an appraisal on a refi (established payment history) in a cookie cutter neighborhood where even Zillow can get the value right? The reason they're going overboard in February (waivers on 97% LTV's) is (IMO) because only the 'good' borrowers were being offered the waivers. That's a disparate impact lawsuit waiting to happen - so they are opening it up to the 'not so good' borrowers as well.