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Nobody's Safe until the Board of Equalization has met

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Terrel L. Shields

Elite Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 2, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Tax assessment time. Arkansas must have the worlds worst system, and my county some of the worst appraisers. It is nice to see that many states, like Colorado, are adopting the State Boards and requiring mass appraisers to be certified or licensed.

We have an awful problem with the county converting ag land into residential lands. I have two parcels where taxes have increased 10 fold. In 1999 I defended one parcel that has been redone exactly the same and will require no more than pulling the old report out and doing it over. [I do not reappraise them, I write a rebuttal of the assessors methods]

The newest one is 600 acres of timber being converted to residential. Valuation from 30,000 to 300,000. This tract has sold $60,000 worth of timber in the past 5 years and likely will produce an equal amount in the next 5 years. I have told my clients that without looking I can tell them the appraisers name. She has done this time and again, and I know I will
oops clipped off my punch line somehow

I was saying I know I will have to battle it out with her and that I will win both of these arguments.

PS- my own property went up 70% but when I added the land value and the improvements value together, I did not come up to the same number they have but one only about $10,000 more than last cycles appraisal. (appraised every third year)

Terrel -

All of the appraisers in the Jefferson County Assessor's Office are certified through the State Assessment Coordination Division. When a new person is brought on board they begin down the road to certification immediately. I am currently serving my fourth year on our EQ Board (second year as Chairman), and in those four years we have had but three appeals and have only one appointment scheduled so far this year! Some may say that our assessments are two low, but being an appraiser I would argue that they are not, and the State ACD concurs.

You might want to check the credentials of the appraisers in your local office. I think certification is a requirement. It may be that the work of some trainees in your area is not being reviewed as it should be. Unfortunately as you and I both know, local politics may also be a factor.
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