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Non compete agreements now illegal

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It might make an appraiser think twice before hiring a new trainee unless the appraiser intends to turn the biz over to the trainee.
Most non-compete agreements aren’t worth the paper they are written on, but they do put up a hurdle to changing jobs. Even if it’s not enforceable, people are hesitant to breach them.

As an aside, I had a non-compete once prohibiting me from contacting clients. I asked the owner of the firm for a list of his clients so that I wouldn’t be in violation of the agreement. He told me to get out and I never heard from him again :cool:
I clicked on that article and I am in tears.. There is so much that has happened and while I am still grateful for the fact that she trained me. I'm so grateful!!!
Non compete agreements are almost impossible to enforce when the person is an independent contractor and NOT an employee.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a court case and a federal judge say, "Just a minute, the FTC might have over stepped its authority." Then two different federal district court cases, and it will before the SCOTUS in 7-years.
big companies have the attornies sitting around to fight you. little 1 man business ain't gonna spend $10,000 to stop you.
I don't think the issue is settled, particularly in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling ending the Chevron deference doctrine, which enabled agencies to legislate over the past four decades. And I don't see that this one is resolved yet:
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