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Now giving you a choice of colors!

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Head Surfer

Staff member
Jan 4, 2002
Professional Status
Retired Appraiser
You can have a choice of the color scheme for the forum.

To change it click on the profile icon (you must be logged in to do this).

Then down near the the bottom where it says "board style" you can select from the following:

subSilver (the default light blue theme)
subGreen (green)
subRed (red)
subTrail (green and brown)
DesertStorm (brown)
phpVB2 (blue)
ColdSteel (gray)
SpacePilot3K (black back ground, white letters)

Click the submit button after you make the change and now the forum has a whole different look!

Thank you for the color choices. My tired old eyes never did like the subsilver color scheme. In fact, one of the first posts I made when you switched to the new software was to ask if color choices were possible.

Well done :!:

Thank you for the color choices. My tired old eyes never did like the subsilver color scheme. In fact, one of the first posts I made when you switched to the new software was to ask if color choices were possible.

Well done :!:

Thanks Dave for your support. I will probably add a couple more as I get time. I have been using "DesertStorm" today and like it.
I like the green. It seems to be more calming, & I know I need all of that I can get! Thanks!
I added two more choices this afternoon.

subTrail - different shades of light green and brown
SpacePilot3K - the name says it all, star back ground, black, light print on dark back ground, different icons, sorta neat, but probably hard to read.
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