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Freshman Member
Sep 9, 2008
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
In reviewing HUD guidelines, it appears that if an outbuilding is a safety risk due to condition, that it needs to be completely fixed or removed? The reason I ask, is because a realtor is wondering if they can just smash it to the ground and wait until spring to remove the debris? I am thinking that based on research, this would still present a safety issue, am I correct?
In reviewing HUD guidelines, it appears that if an outbuilding is a safety risk due to condition, that it needs to be completely fixed or removed? The reason I ask, is because a realtor is wondering if they can just smash it to the ground and wait until spring to remove the debris? I am thinking that based on research, this would still present a safety issue, am I correct?
realtor says it should not matter because it is for a conventional loan
How much trash can be on the ground to be a hazard. Tough question without seeing it. You can do subject to with a 1004d inspection right before the spring settlement if it bothers you so much. Might not bother me, has it bothered the buyer to have it removed, in the agreement of sale.
realtor says it should not matter because it is for a conventional loan
1. A pile of building debris is a safety hazard. 2. The type of loan does not change #1.
It's a safety hazard regardless of what type of loan it is. If the buyer moves in and a 10 year old kid decides to play in the debris pile and gets hurt, or worse, guess who's getting sued.
Wow, two shed threads in a row. There's another thread where the old rickety shed is holding up the purchase.... interesting.
Unless realtor is lending their opinion doesn't matter.
Right? Have them sign the report with their E&O insurance on the line.

Realtors have it easy in that regard. "Added back room may not be permitted. Buyer to verify". Boom....done. Must be nice.
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