You either own in fee simple or you don't.
A loss of one stick in the bundle means fee simple is gone and you lose full ownership = easement.
Public roads, traditionally, are owned in fee simple, and not reflected on the deed, but simply a recorded addendum, where title search discovers the exemption. There is 'highway easement', an easement over your property for pubic road use and you retain underlying ownership, be it 5%-10%, whatever, a minor ownership in the end. You get to pay the taxes whilst people drive on your land. An archaic form of easement that is not used anymore, now it is just purchased in fee simple.
Getting access to your property through another property is simply an easement. A 15' recorded permission in perpetuity is an easement.
7.49 acres but a net of 7.11 acres
A survey measures the land based on the deed, site inspection and title search. 7.49a is the land but the net of 7.11a shows 'exceptions' or prior purchases, be it fee simple right of way for a public road or an exception sold to a neighbor 30 years ago. Easement do not factor into net, but should be identified (utility easement, driveway easements, highway easements, etc).
Net is what is owned in fee simple with easements.