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Since Friday, I have been searching for a solution to my e-mail, Comcast, PDF problem. And, there have been many solutions here. Well, my problem fixed itself. Come to find out it was COMCAST, the DEVIL, Himself! I tweaked my appraisal file, went to B&W photos, eliminated some maps and thought to myself: What a lame piece of work here and hardly professional!!! So, I put everything back, color, maps, etc. Sent it to myself and Bingo!!! It transmitted fine and looked great...under a minute. I just can't take this much longer!!!
Charlotte in Delaware
The main reason I switched programs this year was to avoid continually being a "techy" :x So, I know you all are strong proponents of the other software :? , but I am and will strongley support A C I; as I have had to contact them exactly (1) time and got a call back within 3 hrs./ folks thats
(6) SIX Months with no problems- 8)

Good Luck!!!
:oops: OH, MY GOSH!!! Got my file down to 1.1 KB this morning in just a minute, and didn't try too hard. :oops: I've been using BOLD print on all my forms. :oops: I set this up long ago and love the bold. As I was thinking about changing the reolution on one map, I was wondering if I could change the resolution on the URAR form and others as well. :oops: Then I remembered the BOLD print. After all these hours with Comcast, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express people, and MCS/Poloroid......... :oops: But, what a relief!!! (Now the whole world knows) :oops:

thus you have saved the rest of us the trauma: thanks for sharing. Acutally you just reminded me of that issue on my PDFs as I was wondering why it took so long on one report..

Lee Ann
Charlotte ..

You must be mis-reading something .. no report fits in 1.1 Kb .. that's just over 1000 characters. Have you opened that pdf to see if everything is there?
I recall a post a long time ago about adobe 4 vs adobe 5. It seems some were having problems sending files with 5. Does anyone recall this?
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