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Phoenix Mobile Any Thoughts, Likes, Dislikes?

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Dec 12, 2003
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I run ACI and have no other options for mobile then Phoenix Mobile. I have played with it, but don't really use it for fieldwork. I am scared it will crash or I will lose pictures. I tried uploading a report and my pictures didn't come through. I read that it needs to be on a 3 photo page. I usually do 15 pics per photo page, because I take a lot of photos. Only mobile app I use is Apex Mobile for android and it's great. Can't get used to Phoenix sketching. Feel its far inferior to Apex. Talked to ACI today and their product Sky has a tablet mode, but only works if you are connected to an internet connection, which sometimes can be tough. I work in areas that are surrounded by mountains and I lack cell reception there. What other options are there for people that use ACI for being mobile?
I thought I read on the Facebook Appraiser page this week that Phoenix Mobile is going through some changes. The message stated that Phoenix Mobile support was ending January 1st 2016, while the app will remain functional and updated until September 15, 2016. I cannot confirm personally as I do not use Phoenix Mobile, I am just summarizing the post I saw on FaceBook.
ACI's lack of mobile technology is appalling. I am so fed up with ACI. I am going to take a couple days off in April and switch over to Total.
It is like ACI was more content with cashing checks instead of developing mobile software.
I started in an office with 5 other appraisers many moons ago. ACI is what my boss used. Well out of the 5, 4 are still appraisers and 2 switched to Total. I went on an inspection to a vacant house with one of them and was amazed what he could do in the field.
BTW Phoenix is worthless.
I thought I read on the Facebook Appraiser page this week that Phoenix Mobile is going through some changes. The message stated that Phoenix Mobile support was ending January 1st 2016, while the app will remain functional and updated until September 15, 2016. I cannot confirm personally as I do not use Phoenix Mobile, I am just summarizing the post I saw on FaceBook.

I just purchased Phoenix a few weeks and as of last weekend, had difficulty with it. When I contacted them on Monday, I was sent an email saying that they knew about the bugs, but that they no longer offered appraiser support. All of my input info, such as saved towns, exterior siding, clients etc is gone. Shame on Clickforms for knowing this but selling the product anyway. Very disappointed.
ACI's lack of mobile technology is appalling. I am so fed up with ACI. I am going to take a couple days off in April and switch over to Total.
It is like ACI was more content with cashing checks instead of developing mobile software.
I started in an office with 5 other appraisers many moons ago. ACI is what my boss used. Well out of the 5, 4 are still appraisers and 2 switched to Total. I went on an inspection to a vacant house with one of them and was amazed what he could do in the field.
BTW Phoenix is worthless.

ACI's lack of mobile technology is appalling. I am so fed up with ACI. I am going to take a couple days off in April and switch over to Total.
It is like ACI was more content with cashing checks instead of developing mobile software.
I started in an office with 5 other appraisers many moons ago. ACI is what my boss used. Well out of the 5, 4 are still appraisers and 2 switched to Total. I went on an inspection to a vacant house with one of them and was amazed what he could do in the field.
BTW Phoenix is worthless.
I thought I read on the Facebook Appraiser page this week that Phoenix Mobile is going through some changes. The message stated that Phoenix Mobile support was ending January 1st 2016, while the app will remain functional and updated until September 15, 2016. I cannot confirm personally as I do not use Phoenix Mobile, I am just summarizing the post I saw on FaceBook.

I just purchased Phoenix a few weeks and as of last weekend, had difficulty with it. When I contacted them on Monday, I was sent an email saying that they knew about the bugs, but that they no longer offered appraiser support. All of my input info, such as saved towns, exterior siding, clients etc is gone. Shame on Clickforms for knowing this but selling the product anyway. Very disappointed.
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