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Pocket Total

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The very best of luck.

Have not tried it yet(I use ACI).

WE THINK that the advantage is on the days that we have to inspect 3-5 properties and drive 60-120 miles that by sending back the data for an office person to process, is where the savings occur.(they aint nothing being processed as I go house to house)

All of our comps are in the laptop, we know the appox size(Assessor, builder etc) thus after inspection and telling the office what comps to use, 90% of the report will be complete upon return.(WE THINK AND HOPE)

Feel free to share your experiences, as at this point all is speculation with me---you is actual.

Good Luck. ed in arkansas
Well, Pocket Total did not arrive as scheduled. Called alamode on Thursday and found out that they had run out of HC computers and just gotten a shipment of 75 in that were all going out to fill orders that evening. Mine should arrive Tuesday. Somebody else must think they are worthwhile.

Since I can't play with it this weekend, guess I'll have to clean the garage and spend some extra time on the trout stream. Oh well. Biggers must know I've been working too hard lately.

Will keep you updated.
For Richard and others using Pocket Total-------


I signed up for the top end of Total software because I was very interested in starting to use the Jornada PDA and Pocket Total.

There is a story about the Hewlett Packard/Compaq merger in the May 20, 2002 issue of Newsweek. Of the many facts in the article, they mention some of the results of the merger; one is that they are going to phase out Jornada (actually, the article says "Jornada will die") and replace it with Compaq's IPac.

The Jornada model that AlaMode is offering can be found at various internet sites from $460 to $550. Since AlaMode bundles the Jornada with other things, you can't really be certain what they are charging but I am sure its' at or over $500.

This is the WORRY part: now that the HP/Compaq merger is complete and it is public knowledge that their plan is to discontinue Jornada, it is now obsolete (considering how quickly technology changes).

Do I buy the Jornada knowing that I am paying $500 for an obsolete PDA?

Will the IPac be compatible, or is Pocket Total made esp. for Jornada?

Is AlaMode pushing Jornada because they get them at a really good price due to it now being a discontinued model??

Did AlaMode have knowledge of the "end" of Jornada and have a bunch on hand and that is why they are pushing Pocket Total??

I don't like to think everything is a conspiracy, but things are starting to "smell", and I am very concerned about investing in Jornada.

Anyone have any Opinions ??????????

There has been lots of chatter about this over at the WinTotal users group. There are a number of appraisers using the ipaq, you don't HAVE to use the Jornada. If you want to take advantage of Pocket Total NOW, the concensus is to get either the HP 560's Jornada series or an ipaq. If you get the chance, go through some of the archived posts at:


I think one reason alamode has the Jornadas on their site vs. the ipaq is because of the optional camera. (This is my guess, maybe someone from alamode will chime in). The HP camera appears to be quite useable.
I don't think there is any conspiracy going on in trying to sell obsolete PDA's.

I REALLY want to use Pocket Total and I have to wait for several more months. The company I work for is switching to WinTotal and I can not wait for that to happen. :mrgreen:


Thanks so much for the "heads up".

Also, since I am not a "Yahoo" person, did not know about the site; guess you're never too old to learn !!!! (Although I think I'm getting close)

Anyway, did not have the time to read each and every post at the TotalUsersGroup, but did find one VERY interesting.

It was sent on May 22 by Rick. He directs everyone to a site where the Jornada is sold BRAND NEW for $410.00. How is this possible, you ask ?

Seems that the seller explains low prices because they buy DISCONTINUED LOTS from manufacturers.

Guess I know where to purchase it now, if I still want one. I have searched the Web and the cheapest price so far was $457.00.

Can't help but wonder what the "full price" purchasers are thinking now, since not even a year of Pocket Total has passed.

Thanks again for the help.

Can't help but wonder what the "full price" purchasers are thinking now, since not even a year of Pocket Total has passed.

Actually Pocket Total has been out less than a month.

All technology is like that, you can't buy a computer, cell phone, PDA, etc. without it being outdated the moment you step out of the store.

I think people need to decide if Pocket Total (or any handheld software program) is going to help them be more productive, or accurate, or whatever they hope that the software program will do to make them a better appraiser. Hardware and software are going to keep changing, I would make my decision based on if Pocket Total will work for you right now.

I've said this before, but I want the ability to enter information just once, on-site. I feel I'm not working at peak efficiency taking notes in the field and then typing them into the form back at my desk. I expect my on-site time will increase a bit, but I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. I should make up the time back at my desk when I'm not re-entering the subject data.


There is nothing stopping you from going into the market and getting what you think is a better deal than alamode is offering. The software will run on any compatible computer I suspect.

One of the reasons I tend to buy from alamode and not shop is service and the way they backup the products. Plus, I know the software, etc will run well on this equipment.

I could spend a couple of hours searching the web for a better deal but at about $55/hour, I wasted a lot of if not most of any savings.

That's just my own personal thoughts.
I have had pocket total for over a year now and still haven't used it. Waiting on a class in Denver in August.

My question is.....I have a VELO 500 (two in fact). Would I be better off to buy a new handheld computer or is the velo adequate? I want to use this stuff really badly now since I am working alone.
I attended a wintotal class this past weekend, and the is no; it is only going to be available for the pocket pc. They feel the Palm devices do not have enough power to run a full blown application such as pocket total.

Bill Cochrane
Temple Hills, MD
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