I hear you, and I agree with you. We hit our Pocket TOTAL deadline just fine, but Pocket Apex wasn't ready. Though we made the decision to ship Pocket TOTAL without Apex for the time being, I hate having it hanging over us and our users.
We can't control Apex's development speed, but we do want to be sure that the bugs are worked out before we roll that part out. Right now, there's only one "showstopper" bug in Pocket Apex that I'm aware of, and they're working on it diligently. All of the rest -- the integration, the registration process, core features, etc. -- appears to be solid, and our beta testers use it in the field every day. I'm hoping that it's a matter of days, not months, before our non-beta Pocket TOTAL users get Pocket Apex.
Meanwhile, everyone that owns Pocket TOTAL that I know of is using the FieldPad for the floorplan. It's actually a pretty nifty free-form sketcher, just like your clipboard.
Without pulling up your customer records, I don't know if you have Pocket TOTAL already or not (I assume you do from your post). But if you're waiting on Apex, there's no need to. Even without it, you can eliminate 100% of your clipboard using the new Pocket TOTAL.
When Pocket Apex is released, it will automatically install on your handheld the next time you sync it up. It's really easy.