OP here...
I really appreciate all of the comments and insight on this. Here are the main points I am taking away:
1) The resale value of various types of construction compared to their initial build cost, and in relation to each other, varies to some degree based on state, location, population density, et cetera.
2) The resale value of various types of construction compared to their initial build cost varies based on the quality of the original construction compared to other homes of the same construction type.
3) A higher-end modular home or a nicely finished pole-frame home in a very rural, farmland area would probably be easier to market down the road than the same home in a town or city, due to the lack of other homestead options in the area.
4) In general, it can be expected for a manufactured home, even if nicely made, to lose value over time at a rate much faster than the other types of construction.
5) Pole-frame homes come with a degree of uncertainty about resale value because they are a relatively new phenomenon, but they are not necessarily a bad idea if the initial construction cost benefit balances out the loss of resale value against other types of construction.
6) A buyer can get ripped off building any type of home, if they fall victim to unscrupulous builders and/or fail to do their homework.
7) A stick-built home, a pole-frame home, a modular home, and a manufactured home, all in the same area with the same amenities, same land, and same nice finishes, will not all be worth the same money down the road. Likely, the stick-built house will be worth the most, the pole-frame and modular worth a little less, and the manufactured the least. But the gaps between their respective values will depend on the factors listed under items 1) and 2) above.
If I have misunderstood any of these take-away points, please correct me!
By the way, would you folks have any estimate on what the average cost per square foot would be on a stick-build home in Kansas? We are getting in contact with some builders to look at such cost estimates for comparison to pole-frame and modular construction, but it would be nice to have an average square foot cost to compare them to, to make sure the estimates are fair.
I really appreciate all of the comments and insight on this. Here are the main points I am taking away:
1) The resale value of various types of construction compared to their initial build cost, and in relation to each other, varies to some degree based on state, location, population density, et cetera.
2) The resale value of various types of construction compared to their initial build cost varies based on the quality of the original construction compared to other homes of the same construction type.
3) A higher-end modular home or a nicely finished pole-frame home in a very rural, farmland area would probably be easier to market down the road than the same home in a town or city, due to the lack of other homestead options in the area.
4) In general, it can be expected for a manufactured home, even if nicely made, to lose value over time at a rate much faster than the other types of construction.
5) Pole-frame homes come with a degree of uncertainty about resale value because they are a relatively new phenomenon, but they are not necessarily a bad idea if the initial construction cost benefit balances out the loss of resale value against other types of construction.
6) A buyer can get ripped off building any type of home, if they fall victim to unscrupulous builders and/or fail to do their homework.
7) A stick-built home, a pole-frame home, a modular home, and a manufactured home, all in the same area with the same amenities, same land, and same nice finishes, will not all be worth the same money down the road. Likely, the stick-built house will be worth the most, the pole-frame and modular worth a little less, and the manufactured the least. But the gaps between their respective values will depend on the factors listed under items 1) and 2) above.
If I have misunderstood any of these take-away points, please correct me!
By the way, would you folks have any estimate on what the average cost per square foot would be on a stick-build home in Kansas? We are getting in contact with some builders to look at such cost estimates for comparison to pole-frame and modular construction, but it would be nice to have an average square foot cost to compare them to, to make sure the estimates are fair.