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"Pop-up Stopper" software

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Dave Smith

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
If you are tired of the X-10 camera ads that keep popping up to http://www.popupstopper.net/ for Pop-up Stopper.

It will prevent pop up ads from constantly intruding on your browsing and will give you a neat sound when it happens.

It will also prevent you from opening a second window while browsing but that is easily over-ridden by hitting the CTRL key when you need to open an additional window.
It is easy to download and install and easy to use. I've had it about six weeks now and really am glad to get rid of the X-10 ads.

No, I'm not a salesman for Panicware. I just think its a program worth knowing about.

:D :mrgreen: :D

I've really wanted to try it, but what about this: When we log in to our MLS system, a new screen pops up for our login information. Will popup killer prevent us from loggin in there? Thanks


Just tried it with our MLS .. uses Moore Data Systems (should I say "Poor" Data Systems?) Didn't prevent the additional screens from coming up ..
Mary Adamson wrote: Will popup killer prevent us from loggin in there? (to our MLS)

Mary, I don't think so. If you are going to a new web site without opening a second browser window you should be OK.

If you can't open your MLS window all you need to do is hold down the CTRL key while going to your MLS. That will override Popup Stopper so you sail right through.
Just my experience...

I tried a popup killer a while back and it was pretty flaky.. would stop some popups but overall the extra load it put on the system wasn't worth the one or two popups it would stop.

The better alternative (as long as you don't have an MLS that requires popups or anything) is to download Mozilla. It is an alternative to Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer and it has an excellent option for turning off popups. It's also open source software, so it is free.

You can grab it at http://www.mozilla.org
I tried a new one last night. PopUpKiller. It seems to be really good if you like something a bit more advacned. You can pick what you want to allow to pop-up and what you don't.

It keeps a list of all sites you dont won't to allow to pop-up. You add to the list, or remove items from the list too. It's not as simple as Pop-Up stopper but it is much more configurable!

It's a free program but the develper is no longer supporting it. I found the download site and got a copy of it. Here is the web site where read about it. If anyone wants it I will be glad to email you the file. So far I am impressed with it.

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