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Possible virus

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Junior Member
Jan 24, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Thought I would post this here, rather than in technical as so many appraisers use Adobe Software:

Do not open an email with attachment.
It's subject is to inform you of the software you ordered from Adobe products.
Simply delete this. Go no further with the email.

Here is the text that went with the email:

You agree not to modify, adapt or translate the Software.You also agree not
to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover
the source code of the Software except to the extent you may be expressly permitted to decompile under applicable law, it is essential to do so in
order to achieve operability of the Software with another software program, and you have first requested Adobe to provide the information necessary to achieve such operability and Adobe has not made such information available.
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