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Problems with online education

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I can read the book and learn more then listening to some old guy up front flapping his gums.

I resemble that remark:rof:

Did your Doctor, Lawyer, CPA, etc. got their degree from online education?

We will never be a profession as long as we do not recognize what we are allowing to happen to our(now) business. BTW, and for the record, several states are beginning to see the light and are going to either restrict online education or do away with it entirely.
Hey Pat

I'm taking an AI class on line now - about 60% complete without issues. There is great discussion on this class with an online thread!

Can I asked with version of IE you are using? I'm on 6.029 and have not issues.

Can you try (perhaps you already have) to clear your cache and cookies, including the off-line content.

Only other thing I can think of is I know the AI course I'm taking is using a pop-up - you might consider allowing pop-up for the given URLs.

Just the thoughts - sorry for your issues and thanks so much for commenting in the Review thread.
Did your Doctor, Lawyer, CPA, etc. got their degree from online education?
Doctors and lawyers have more than one degree.

But the day is coming (and soon) when probably half of the education of professionals will take place via internet connections.
Re ;Online education

I can ask and discuss issues any time. Don't need a class for that.
Another advantage for online ed, like this website, Steven;
you can get feedback from best in brightest in Nevada, CA......

So online is a way to get around the ''what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas[Nevada]''
And yes i would count talking to yourself, more senses you get involved ,the more things make sense
I resemble that remark:rof:

Did your Doctor, Lawyer, CPA, etc. got their degree from online education?

We will never be a profession as long as we do not recognize what we are allowing to happen to our(now) business. BTW, and for the record, several states are beginning to see the light and are going to either restrict online education or do away with it entirely.

My CPA, attorney and DR probably did not as they are older, however I could see younger graduates taking part of their classes online. I have taken over 45 credits online (not counting appraisal classes) that counted towards my degrees. So I am sure there are some DR's, Lawyer's and CPA's that have taken part of their education online. Do you really need someone standing in front of you lecturing you on American History Pre-Civil War, English 101, Geology, etc?
All Don needs is someone from a more recent generation to help him set up a few online courses. He would see that they are useful, there is interaction, and that there are tons of people who hate sitting in sheety chairs in cheap hotels for 7 hours listening to somebody trying to fill 7 hours, and inane questions from ignorant license/certification holding folks that should have their brains rearranged with an electric eggbeater stuck in an ear, set on high. Of course, I could be wrong, it might just be me, but if you see me in a CE class, cover your ears if you hear a slight hum.
Many major universities have lectures in large auditoriums where a few hundred students may attend. Rarely do those students get individual access to the teacher. At best, maybe just some sort of intern can answer their questions. So online isn't any worse than that.
How much one learns is up to that individual. I've done both classroom and online CE classes. Sometimes, time is wasted by some of the attendees and their silly questions so that online can help an appraiser learn and stay focused. However, I took Income Capitalization by Achesson in class and found it much better because I needed the interaction for the more complicated issues. I think it's hard to say one method is better all the time.
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