One of the key issues in appraising a house in the floodplain is determining if it could be re-built. If it is a house that actually gets wet on a frequent basis, this is a much bigger deal than a house that is basically in a theoretical floodplain. I have appraised houses that could not be rebuilt if they had enough damage to require a building permit. I think this is something that would possibly affect marketing time.
You can go back in time, or to nearby markets, and see if houses in the floodplain sold for less than comparable sales, or if they had comparable markting times. These sales may not be on your grid, but they could be valuable in understanding the market for your subject.
I would also be sure to explain if you make an adjustment, or if you do not. This is one of those "discuss, discuss, discuss" issues.
I have appraised properties in a part of this state where there is very little impact because so many houses are in the floodplain. However, in my local market, unless there is something remarkable (i.e. water frontage) many buyers would be a little shy about purchasing a property that frequently gets wet.
Good luck, I would be very interested to hear how this works out for you.