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Pros Cons of Bank Review work

How much money (salary) would it take for you to leave independent appraisal practice?

  • 0-20000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20000-40000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40000-60000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60000-80000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Couldn't pay me enough!!

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
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Would NOT go back to the corporate way of life. Been there, done that, still have some of the T shirts, coasters, coffe cups, key chains..... For the past 10-15 years, we have all heard of the lack of employee loyalty. It is interesting to hear the other side of employer loyalty lacking as well. To quote some of the old multi level marketing gurus, 'They only pay you enough to keep you, just barely.' Plus there's the fun of weekly policy changes, no autonomy, and someone else owning your life. Sure, I'm a slave to the phone/fax, but at least I can schedule my work day as I need. If this business dries up, I would probably go back to peddling real estate. I've grown to like this independent thing way too much to try and fit myself back into a corporate straight jacket.
..... For the past 10-15 years, we have all heard of the lack of employee loyalty. It is interesting to hear the other side of employer loyalty lacking as well.

Caterina (and all), I think the loss of employees loyalty was caused directly by the employers lack of same. :x

Actually this is the first time I've worked for (a unit of) a big corp listed on the NYSE. Maybe the last too. In the past it's been small companies, and I was fine with that.

I applied via E mail resume to a local fee shop that was advertising for 1 res appraiser and 1 commercial at 10:30 am. At 2:30 pm my phone rang! Same day. :!: :) I interview with them next week and I guess my big :D is they do both types of work, all their appraisers are Cert General, I'm just a little Cert Res guy. So if I do this, I can learn some new stuff and do something a little different. Or, I can spend a few bucks to get set up, and there's some folks ready to start work flowing my way.
Wow, it's great to feel so in demand. Weird, but great. I guess that's the big :D ear to ear :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:

"There is no such thing as an unemployed appraiser. You're either working on staff, or you're a fee appraiser".
Thanks again George, I passed that one on to some of the other people in the boat with me. :)
There's another avenue that residential appraisers can sniff out. Call around to the fee shops and offer to do their hard residential properties -- you know, the ones that the shop owner can't assign to his in-training licensees, doesn't have time to do himself or hates to do. He has to accept these assignment to keep his good clients.

You might be surprised how much business there is out there. I discovered this by accident about a year ago. Was running my mouth off at an appraisers get together scoffing at declining to accept the hard assignments. Two days later this guy called. He has a big shop but nobody's ever fully-trained or else they leave and he doesn't want to do that kind of stuff himself.

Now hee just faxes them over to me. I do them and turn in the bill. We've never had a word further about it. No complaints from UWs or fee arguments. We don't quote the fee, usually.

On the latter, my atitude would be, 'If you're gonna be cheap about it, forget it.' True, I only do one a month, but it's more fun and better pay than regular work. And they almost never hassle you for a short delivery. Hey, I don't mind short delivery if you ask for it up front. But improving delivery 3-4 days before it's due is hard.
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